I’m a full professor in Industrial Organization at the Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Groningen, the Netherlands.
My research interests are primarily in the field of Industrial Organization. I’m doing mostly theory, but also run experiments and have done some empirical things.
Recent updates
Nov 18: New paper: “Search-inducing Informative Advertising” (joint with Pim Heijnen and Jellien Knol).
May 20: New version of: “A Wind Tunnel Test of Wind Farm Auctions” (joint with Xinyu Li, Sander Onderstal and Jasper Veldman).
Apr 19: “”Punching above One’s Weight – On Overcommitment in Election Campaigns” (joint with Sander Onderstal and Yohanes Eko Riyanto) is now forthcoming in De Economist.
Apr 15: New version of “Choosing your Battles: Endogenous Multihoming and Platform Competition” (joint with Nannette Stoffers and Gijsbert Zwart).
May 4: “Competition with List Prices” (joint with Pim Heijnen and Martin Obradovits) is now forthcoming in Games and Economic Behavior.
Feb 12, 2022: My inaugural lecture is now online. You can also watch it here.